Sunday, February 7, 2010

Building with Straw

Last week, I had a chance to visit the headquarters of of 'Pig Shed Records' an independent recording label, run by James Hofmeister, outside Moncontour.

The reason for my visit was that I am researching an article on the use of straw as a building material. The Pig Shed recording studio has been built out of straw bales inside an old pig shed and James reports that the straw was not only cost-effective but also provides sound and thermal insulation properties comparable to, or better than, any material available.

I have long held the belief that there must be better ways for providing housing for people than the current methods: wood, straw, earth, stones, etc. could be used much more widely and creatively than at present to build homes, workshops, and other buildings, probably at a fraction of the cost of current building methods. One of my ambitions is to compile of directory of suppliers of 'natural' building materials in Brittany.

Below is the latest video from Pig Shed records - sound and video editing done in the new studio:
Lads 'O' the Fair - Kincardine Lads.

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