Friday, January 29, 2010

February CBJ now in the shops

The February issue of the CBJ is now available in the shops. The main feature in this month's Journal focuses on the 2009 census figures that were released in January 2010.
The magazine contains a special map showing population density of the Breton communes, which graphically illustrates how few people live in Central Brittany.
The article somewhat controversially proposes that these figures would qualify Central Brittany as Terra Nullius i.e. land not already occupied and therefore free to whomsoever wants to make use of it.
The truth is, however, that business interests have been operating on this principle for the past twenty or thirty years and have building industrial-scale farm buildings for which they would never have received permission if there had been more people in the area. Central Brittany has also been proposed as a suitable site for 'storing' nuclear waste, and, at the moment, as a suitable dumping ground for industrial waste.
The ease with which the administration, and their contracting companies, have been able to rush through wind-turbine construction over recent years is another sign that the land is effectively unoccupied and there is not a large enough local community to be able to defend its own interests.
Of course, business cannot actually occupy land, and sooner or later Central Brittany will be re-populated by human beings. The interesting question is what sort of society they choose to build - a modern consumer society or something more closely-allied to the self-sufficient society of Brittany of the past; a society that looks to Paris for money and support, or a society that can stand on its own two feed and deal with the rest of the world on equal terms. People might not like the idea of Terra Nullius, but it does open up the possibility of exciting times in the future.

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